We have a lovely range of single and double flowering hellebores in stock now. For the keen gardener there is much to admire about them. They flower in winter when colour is most valuable, boast a wonderful variety of flower colours and are not difficult to grow. In the garden hellebores require shade in the summer, but good light to full sun in winter when in flower, so a position under deciduous trees is ideal.
Before planting improve your soil by digging over with Zoo Gro or Moo Poo to improve your soil structure. Water the plant in the pot before you plant it and then water in well after planting. You may find that plants may need some additional watering over their first summer in the ground, depending on conditions. Usually in subsequent summers, they become quite drought tolerant.
Mid to late autumn into early winter (April to June) is the start of the annual growth period for most Hellebores. It’s also the best time to feed and clean up old foliage, and moving or dividing if necessary.
Once you see new growth at the base of your plants, you can cut back old foliage right to the ground, before the plant flowers. This is not essential but does clean up the plant and show off the flowers better.
We would feed in September, December and March with Plants Plus Organic Pellets. A sprinkling of dolomite lime in mid to late autumn will be appreciated by Hellebores as they like the calcium and magnesium.
Remove old flowering stems in spring, feed and mulch and your plants will be well prepared for the heat of summer sets in.
The only pest which tends to bother your hellebores are aphids, so keep a watch as the weather warms up in spring.