Now is the best time to buy and plant your summer flowering bulbs, here’s just a small selection of what we have to offer:

  • Dahalia
  • Bearded Iris
  • Paeony Rose
  • Asiatic Lilly
  • Solomons Seal
  • Tuber Rose
  • Lilly of the Valley
  • Hippeastrum
  • Calla Lilly
  • Gladioli
  • Jacobean Lilly

Bulbs are easy to grow almost anywhere and are one of the most popular plants to have in the garden. They can be slotted in among other plants, planted in clumps, pots, troughs or other containers.

The flower is already within the bulb ready to grow and bloom. All you have to do is to plant it by mid-September and they’ll reward you in just a few months with flowers that let you know summer is here.

Although they look delicate in flower, bulbs are tough and waterwise and ideal for Bendigo’s climatic conditions.